!! Cougar alert!! Agent Tango: It looks like Madonna is up to her old tricks. Tsk...tsk....She is literally old enough to be his grandmother. What will her kids think...lol... Who are we kidding, he'll be history in 30 days! The two can be seen in "W" magazine this month.
Agent Tango: I didn't think my shoes smelled this bad. Damn.... he could have at least turned out the light!
Agent Tango: Poor M. P. Well really it was his "friends" that suffered. I still can't believe the cops are saying M.P. won't be charged because they can't "prove" he was really taking a hit. Ummm..... didn't he practically admit it?? LOL. Fine, if he didn't then at least bring him in for questioning? Lame....
Agent Tango: I don't care what anyone says, not only do I think that Terrence Howard did a great job in Iron Man but I also think he got royally screwed by Marvel and the producers. Yeah, yeah...money was probably an issue (see Defamer links) but still....they should have kept him and made it work somehow. Agent Tango: Wow! J. B. can really chow down. I bet you wouldn't catchPierce on the beach sporting a chip bag (or belly) that size (>>snicker<<). {Source: The Gossip Girls :G-Rated} Agent Tango: This is a bizarre ad from Diesel. What does it mean/imply? Agent Tango: Yikes, look at the quads on Mario! He must do some serious leg workouts. Bulging right through the jeans. That's cool....just don't over do it and look like this guy. {Source: Pacific Coast News : G-Rated}
Agent Tango: A nice bowl'o'kitty in the morning does wonders. It's a great way to load up on vitamin....."P". (>>wink<<>>wink<<). Don't look so scared gato, you'll get some milk soon (poured all over you). {Source : L'HOMME EST UN CONCEPT : R-rated}
Agent Tango: Heh...leave it to 2 queeny guys to get a British guard to crack up. See the video here.