Agent Tango: Hrmph...."Nick" has nice abs. I'd better hit the gym more. I'm getting "ab-envy"
Agent Ajax: You could have the best abs in the world and you'd still be envious of the next beanpole with a washboard stomach, Tango. Give me some real lookin men! ;)

Agent Tango: What the heck is going on with his shorts? He might as well wear a thong and get it over with....
Agent Ajax: you know you would do the same thing if you had abs like that ;)
Agent Tango: No. I'd just wear the thong ;-)

Agent Tango: Muscley......but dude, lose the "scarf"!
Agent Ajax: TrĂ© internacionĂ¡l....

Agent Tango: LOL....the "censored" version is here. Follow the link to see a "lower" view featuring his "shmekel".....actually, at first glance that is obviously the wrong term ;-)
Agent Ajax: I have a hankering to go swimming in November all of a sudden...no shrinkage though please...

Agent Tango: Pull up those shorts....keep the booty covered!
Agent Ajax: BOOTY FO EVAH!!!! REVOLT!!!
Agent Tango: And so ends another bootabulous post.....