Agent Tango: Finally a flaw! Chad White has ugly feet. It's kinda rare for a guy to actually have nice looking feet but generally male "super models" should have better looking feet. I guess it could be worse. He could have "Chewbaca-feet"!
Agent Ajax: Come now! You act like he isn't human! With the exception of his pinky toe, he has an ok foot. GET IT CHADDY! *drools*

Agent Tango: Heh heh

Agent Tango: OK, Gary Dourdan is one of my favorite actors....heh, I shouldn't comment but a few weeks ago he roughed up the paparazzi. You can see the clips on TMZ here. (Hmmm....who was the dude he was hugging??) Normally it seems like he is pretty cool. I guess they got to him that day....The bad side of all this is now everyone in L.A. knows that if they see a dude with a red helmet on a Ducati..... it's prolly him.