Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Stuff in the crosshairs.....

Agent Tango: LOL…. A disfigured Justin Timberlake? Hmmm…. Now if they also make him a bit psychotic then I’ll go see it..

Links here and here.

Agent Tango: Why would you chew a razor handle? Really……why would you do it?? Admit it Bruce Weber, you just wanted him naked...lol

Agent Tango: I can only imagine what K-Fed is thinking. LOL. You can tell what Paris has on her mind...

Agent Tango: I’m not so sure about this version of the Joker in the upcoming Batman movie...

Agent Tango: I *guess* it could work. Heath Ledger is pretty versatile (**cough**) so we’ll see...

Agent Tango: Hmmm….Cool or gay? :

Agent Tango: More at Toot

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