Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The Battle of the Bulge! (Act 11)

Agent Tango: 3 battles won...one battle lost (big time!): up and to the left. I wonder what blondie is thinking about? His friends? A sale at Target? Hmmmm....
Agent LaWhore: "He wore an itsy bitsy teeny weiner creamy colored short bikini..."
Agent Ajax: Oh my...these have gotten more blatant since i was last here...why is everyone carrying on like nothings wrong with the not so big creme elephant in the room?

Agent Tango: He needs a playmate. Battle lost: up and to the left.
Agent LaWhore: "If I just hold the camera up here, maybe I'll look more butch in my GayRomeo profile photo!"
Agent Ajax: Sign me up, we can play some ball. please?

Agent Tango: Uh-oh. Mr hairy guy needs to buy larger briefs (unless he likes the "lateral drafts"). Battle lost: straight up (and maybe to the left a lil) !
Agent LaWhore: "That's funny, the last doctor just asked me to turn my head and cough"
Agent Ajax: They're air vents! They help keep him cool on those straightaways on his bike...(or thats what he tells himself)

Agent Tango: Lots of orange! Battle lost: to the right.
Agent LaWhore: The poor boy was rejected as a spokesperson/model for TANG.
Agent Ajax: I cry foul on this one...orange is soooooo not a sexy-esque color to me but to each their own. Nice legs though ;)

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