Agent Tango: OK, I just don’t get the whole dollar-bill thing.
Agent Tango: Why is it always dollars?! If I ever decided to wiggle my ass onstage I would expect more.

Agent Tango: Must be something about gay guys and their “go-go boy budget”. How does one earn a 5 or a 20?
Agent Tango: I mean after all, most strippers get 20s.

Agent Tango: If you were in a str8 strip club waving a $1 bill you’d get tossed out or mocked.

Agent Tango: Well at least here’s one who earned a $20 bill. Unless it was just “seed” money to encourage others. He’d better watch it. Someone might snatch it out and replace it with a 1.

Agent Tango: Yikes! “Booty Bank” is right! Some horny fiend went *deep* for this one. I’m surprised the boy is still moving around up there. Ick! And it’s a $1 bill! Cheap B@stards! I can not imagine having someone yank my thong (not that I wear one) to the side and fingering a dollar bill up my booty. Tsk…tsk……

Agent Tango: I bet if there were a .50 bill, you’d see all these horny guys waving them.

Agent Tango: Someone is reaching for the gold. Those fingers look like they are fishing around in there hoping to catch the magic “C-bass”. Again all I see are dollars.

Agent Tango: Look at this!! OMG. Again with a dollar! Run for the hills if he’s commin’ at ya!
Agent Tango: (shakes his head)...horrid....horrid!
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