Agent Tango: Straight down.
Agent Ajax: It looks like someone Photoshopped his leg hair...awkward.
Agent Tango: You have issues with perfection. Is this why you never look me in the eye??

Agent Tango: Straight down and slightly to the right. White seems to be a popular color.
Agent Ajax: I hate those kinds of underwear...looks like a bra for a package...
Agent Tango: *You* can use padding y'know :-)

Agent Tango: Hopefully that button won't pop. Hmmm....It looks like some Nair/depilatory is needed.
Agent Ajax: Don't Nair! Au naturel is grandtastic...and let's hope the button pops sometime soon...before I do....GASP! Like that's a big shock...It's a blog about skanky pics and I made a popping joke....get over it cooters! ^>^

Agent Tango: Big stretch! Down and to the right.
Agent Ajax: It's always impressive to see veins where you never thought possible.

Agent Tango: Up and to the right. There seems to be enough material but just barely!
Agent Ajax: Me thinks I've got island fever that only the juice from a teal banana can cure! O.o
Agent Tango: ...calm down.

Agent Tango: Wow. Looks like there is some "princely" excitement going on here. I wonder what he's waving at? BTW: down and to the royal right!
Agent Ajax: Damn! ...the prince is a king among men! Yay for the royal jewels!

Agent Tango: Good abs. Down and to the right.
Agent Ajax: Back and to the left...I mean pointing at my career, i mean.....fark.
Agent Tango: This blog is a happy place..... save your personal "shortcummings" for your own blog!

Agent Tango: The battle of the bulge is lost! I suspect there is some padding though. Hmmmm.....
Agent Ajax: Those shades and that body are hot, but that bulge is beyond ridiculous...there's gotta be somethin in there that's not flesh or a vaccum unit strapped to his back that is going around to the goochage to the unit. Regardless: DISQUALIFIED!
Agent Tango: Yes. Quite Ri*dick*ulous!
nice bulge linked on my blog : http://janusblog2.hautetfort.com/
Please. can you give me the adress of this guy? I wish to send him a email.
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