Agent Tango: Hmmm..... Agent Ajax, I found this clip just for you.... ;-) (Agent Euro, this is boring for you i'm sure....)
Agent Ajax: HAH! *That* is laughs...Blair is such a dyke...on the off chance that the internet bites me in the ass and this gets back to you...love you boo! Love your work!....>.>
Agent Tango: Whip it good! Hmmmm....another case of a naked dude in the kitchen. Ick!
Agent Ajax: I love the built in euphemism in these sorts of pics...like: "Dude beats eggs" or "Pizza in my ass"....not really, but I'd beat those eggs any day....*whimper*
Agent Tango: OK. I gotta admit. It's a cool video (and cool song)
Agent Ajax: meh.
Agent Tango: The glitz! The glamour! Ooops! See you next Fall honey! (lol)
Agent Ajax: How embarrassing...I hope Karl Lagerfeld doesn't slice the poor girl with his rapier wit and sassy hispanic lady fan. The other girl fell twice...how sad...I think she will be sold to the glue factory.
Agent Tango: He flips! He twirls! He jumps. He's French!
Agent Ajax: I think ive seen this dude before except i saw him run so far up a wall then backflip off of it...it was amazing...truly talented.
Agent Tango: I think you are remembering a scene from your last sex party!
Agent Tango: I always keep my shirt on......even during sex...
Agent Ajax: Baby oil?! jesusyespleasewithsugarontopithinkimgoingtovomitoutofnervousness
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