Agent Tango: I wonder if I started swinging around a lot if it would improve my physique?
Agent Apocalypse: Well it worked for Tarzan
Agent Tango: I'm not wearing a loincloth.

Agent Tango: Harry Potter mania... blah. Hmmm... Looks like someone is into leather and eye-liner in this pic..... Just what sort of "scene" is he into I wonder... I bet I know (see last week's pic)
Agent Apocalypse: Hey this guy used to live down the hall from me... I always wondered about the screaming animals

Agent Tango: I just don't get this entire "stretch the earlobe" thing...... What would make dudes and chics with ....nice faces..... wild-out their "look" with stretched ears?

Agent Tango: ...and face piercings on top of that. I just don't quite get it.
Agent Apocalypse: Leave the face peircings out of this... I look shekshi with my spikes all over the place.
Agent Tango: Yes, we all know why you have your tongue pierced........

Agent Tango: You think he shaves his chest?
Agent Apocalypse: Probably.

Agent Tango: Chad White....Chad white.... Chad White.... There doesn't seem to be an end to this guy's media "appeal". I guess we are contributing to it. But hey, I'm not some sycophant... It's not like *I'm* some obsessed fan! .......
Agent Apocalypse: Who? *{looks confused}*
Agent Tango: Never mind....

Agent Tango: Hmmm.... He's not wet...but I think now Agent Sagittarius is....
Agent Apocalypse: He's not even in the water.
Agent Apocalypse: That reminds me I was invited to a Luau today
Agent Tango: Oh?
Agent Tango: Will you wear a grass skirt?
Agent Apocalypse: No
Agent Tango: Can't you wear those to a Luau?
Agent Apocalypse: Yes but I'm not going to...
Agent Apocalypse: I'm probably gonna stay home....
Agent Tango: Have you ever?
Agent Apocalypse: Yes
Agent Tango: What was under the grass skirt?
Agent Apocalypse: Shorts.
Agent Tango: Tasteful...
Agent Tango: Did you smoke the skirt afterwards?.....