Agent Tango: Interesting use of shadows. I believe the model's name is Sean O'Pry.
Agent Sagittarius: Is this where Vulcans come from?
Agent Tango: I guess the eyebrows and hair are a bit "Mr. Spock-ish"

Agent Tango: I guess it's all about the "abs" these days....
Agent Sagittarius:So, once you put on a piece of "tribal" jewelry does that make you "exotic"?
Agent Tango: Yes....

Agent Tango: I guess have a "pretty face" can get ya places too.... I'm betting this guy is short.
Agent Sagittarius: "Um, no mom I wasn't looking at my ass in the mirror. ...."
Agent Tango: (..but Agent Ajax was....)

Agent Tango: Again with the abs. Hmph....
Agent Sagittarius: I'm too sexy for my shirt?
Agent Tango: That was lame. "Right Said Fred??" C'mon now....

Agent Tango: I wonder what he is thinking.....
Agent Sagittarius: I knew i missed out on something when I opted out of wrestling, but I didn't think it was this.
Agent Tango: See? I told you not to sign up for the cheerleading squad.

Agent Tango: Naked and frustrated? ...or Frustrated and naked?
Agent Sagittarius: "God why does this keep happening to me? This is the third time this month. I don't even remember how I got here..."
Agent Tango: Let's see, I can *distinctly* remember a certain drunk Agent Sagittarius calling me from his doorstep 1 year ago, locked out of his apartment. Were *you* naked as well? Does this pic hit too close to homo...errr...home?

Agent Tango: More frustration. At least his booty is covered.
Agent Sagittarius: He can't afford a better place to live but he can afford 2(x)ist undies. Where are his priorities?
Agent Tango: On his booty...

Agent Tango: Once again there is nakedness. What if a crab comes up from behind him and pinches his booty..or even worse...his.. "stuff" ?!?
Agent Sagittarius: I'm cold, wet, naked, and want to go home.
Agent Tango: Didn't you say that last week at the end of your friend's birthday party?

Agent Tango: What is he doing with his tongue??!
Agent Sagittarius: What is he wearing? And the hair?
Agent Tango: Gap rejects. The hair is very "Curious George-ish".
1 comment:
omgggg this is amazing!
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