Agent Tango: Matt Damon can surf?? Who knew?!! .....

Agent Tango: Chad white is everywhere! Everyone seems to be "ga-ga" over him. Must be the ....fuzzy haircut...
Agent Sagittarius: I think it's the eyebrows

Agent Tango: Or is it the abs?.....
Agent Sagittarius: He looks fat here.....or pregnant
Agent Tango: Yikes! ... Nick Lachey and Vanessa Minnillo...naked...having sex in Mexico... "Viva la hot tub!"
Agent Sagittarius: One more celebrity sex tape. How many of these do we have to see before people realize that they do the same things that regular people do?
Agent Tango: Hey, I don't have sex in Mexican hot tubs....Am I not regular?!?

Agent Tango: The elastic isn't enough?!...or is he too cheap to buy a leather harness?
Agent Sagittarius: I knew I wasn't the only one who needs suspenders to keep their underwear up.

Agent Tango: Hmmm....I wonder how I would look with a "mop top"...
Agent Sagittarius: "I just woke up. I'm hungry, and I look like shit, You smile for the camera."

Agent Tango: Who sleeps like this?!?....Talk about horny!
Agent Sagittarius: Breakfast in bed? I'll take two please?
Agent Tango: Two of what?....nevermind... I don't wanna know....

Agent Sagittarius: She's finally wearing something down there. Maybe she's practicing lamaze. You know she'll be pregnant soon since she doesn't wear undewear. She just taking her chances.
Agent Tango: Be nice :-)
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