Agent Tango: The strings are hanging out..but what the hel* are they for?? Hmmm, I'm assuming they are part of his "swimming trunks"....or more appropriately called "junk trunks" (cause that's all the cover).....lol... Anyway, aside from the insane abs you can tell this guy is hanging straight down: battle of the bulge is lost.
Agent Sagittarius: So the abs HAVE to be airbrushed. The strings are a makeshift c-ring. Seems to not work as well though. I have a similar pair. I call them my marble sack.
Agent Tango: You always think a pic of nice abs is airbrushed. Jealous? And that "marble sack" of yours only sports two marbles... and they are NOT shooters.

Agent Tango: Not even a jockstrap?? Here is a warning: You opponent's first move might involve a knee! Battle (and match) lost: Up and to the left.
Agent Sagittarius: Scandinavian Olympic wrestler. "'Alo. My name is Bjorn, and I forgota my cup. Can you help me?"
Agent Tango: "forgota" ?!? You said Scandinavian, NOT Italian!

Agent Tango: Hmmmm......Undies as they should be worn. This battle of the bulge is at a stalemate: down and to the right.
Agent Sagittarius: Doesn't anyone wear them just down anymore? I guess it could be uncomfortable if you're huge and it goes down to your taint or beyond. But if you're gay, you may like it.
Agent Tango: What's a "taint"? >>cough!<<
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