Agent Tango: Must be Miami. Look at the tans.Agent Ajax: Anywhere is Miami if you've got 30 minutes and know a good spray on place.
Agent Orange: I think it's a nudist house.

Agent Tango: Such attitude.
Agent Ajax: Aww c'mon Tango. He's young and just tryin' to fit the mold of what's hot nowadays. You know he's hot anyway.
Agent Tango: Bleh....Agent Orange: The boy needs a cheeseburger!

Agent Tango: One word: fierce! Look at that facial expression: fierce! Look at those eyebrows: fierce! Look at that pose and the bullets around his chest: fierce! Possibly a homicidal homo....nice bod though.
Agent Ajax: Facial expression: I never want to see anyone look at me like that....ever. It's Dahmer-esque. Eyebrows: They are ok. Bullets: I want to steal them. Bod: Cute, but i like the bod on the guy behind him with the green belt better.
Agent Orange: He is so young he doesn't even have pubes.

Agent Tango: One word: scary!
Agent Ajax: Haha! Kathy Griffin as portrayed by Brooke Shield's eastern European cousin accompanied by Alexis Arquette as portrayed by Bridgette Nielson! I love you!
Agent Orange: "Hi pretty.."
Agent Tango: You need help Agent Orange....
Agent Tango: Attitude meets hair. Cute couple. Y'know...I should make a blog entry on hairstyles from clubs. What do you think?
Agent Ajax: I think some one needs a damned sandwich.
Agent Tango: Hmmm....the skinnyness works for them.Agent Orange: The one on the right looks like a boy version of Grace Jones.
Agent Tango: No he doesn't! Adjust your contacts!
Agent Tango: Hmmmm....looks like UPS needs to deliver a package to the one in the black shorts.
Agent Ajax: Don't judge, Tango. He could be a grower and not a shower...let's hope for his sake. These boys are fuckin hot. Oy! What the hell is this girl doing in here breaking it all up?! Not to say that she isn't cute, it's just not the right time. I'm sorry- it's not you its me. Agent Tango: LOL...*Yes*....it is.Agent Orange: I'd towel off the one in the jeans.
Agent Tango: You would towel all of them off.......
Agent Tango: Well at least he can dance... but look at all of the 1-dollar bills! I've written about this travesty before....
Agent Ajax: I'm sure that the rush they are getting makes up for what they don't make out of not getting fivers. You gotta work in the Boom-Boom Room to make the big bucks.
Agent Tango: ...and you know this how?Agent Orange: This is an example of why you should never put money in your mouth!

Agent Tango: Speaking of dancing....wow! In check pants! He's a brotha' like no otha' !!! Watch out!
Agent Ajax: Straight out of a Black-eyed Peas video even!
Agent Orange: I don't think he is dancing, I think he is having a seizure and needs medical attention quick!

Agent Tango: He's still working it....
Agent Ajax: I don't know how i feel about those boots. He needs some sort of cuff or leather to balance him out... or that undereye black stuff.Agent Orange: Well, I always wear boots with my torn underwear.

Agent Tango: *What* is going on here?! I see a sock and what appears to be some dude behind him. I suspect there is some "action in tha' back section" going on.....
Agent Ajax: HAHAHAHA- This is the stuff I'm talking about *exactly* for the last hottie. As for whats going on here... who the f*ck knows. Girl is getting down. Get it done.
Agent Tango: Get what done?! Get *what* done?!?
{Agent Tango shifts in his seat.}Agent Orange: I think I can guess what is getting done, but what is the sock for??
Agent Tango: Modesty??
Agent Tango: OMG. Look at that tuft of "blonde" hair coming out of the pants of the dude on the right! What does that mean?!
Agent Ajax: Good ol' steroids. I guess the look of the evening is gender transcendant with a touch of Rapunzel.
Agent Orange: Rapunzel needs to do some manscaping!

Agent Tango: Action Gurl! She needs to team up with the dude in the check pants! *THAT* would be a super team. The could fight club crimes at night and be mild-mannered Mormon missionaries (or Photobucket image editors) by day!
Agent Ajax: She just got an invite to the sandwich social! Jesus H. Christ... eat something!
Agent Tango: Oh calm down. She's not Nicole Richie.
Agent Orange: Yeah, she needs to go with that skinny boy from 2nd photo above and EAT!

Agent Tango: Tsk..tsk....just go to a club and endulge yourself in tacky ho-ish behavior. Can it get any worse??
Agent Ajax: If you were gay and 18-21, I wouldnt put it too far past you either, Tango ; )
Agent Tango: OK, so I'm 22...big woop! ;-)
Agent Orange: This dancer is suffering from the same condition the boy in the torn black shorts has. Where is it?? I think that is why the girl in the striped shirt is laughing so hard. But he is very "bendy".

Agent Tango: I guess it can. Shameful!! (but I wonder how he tasted....)
Agent Ajax: He probably tasted like Christmas. SPRING BREAK! WOOOOOO!!
Agent Orange: I love and ab-sicle.

Agent Tango: Wow....so *that* was under the black shorts? At least with all those dollars he now has a package. I'll cancel that UPS call.
Agent Ajax: Just have the UPS shipping request arranged for a call tag to pick up in L.A and delivered to the Bay area.
Agent Orange: Gotta love a gold lamé stringed panty.

Agent Tango: A lounge lizard if I ever saw one. But what is up with that belt?!? My gosh....even the WWE champion doesn't carry one that large!
Agent Ajax: Jessica Simpson called, she wants her belt back. Oh- and Paris called to say that she can pull of reckless disregard and make it look good, so quit it....who am i kidding?...I want a big belt. Hah!
Agent Orange: He is so thin. I'm sure that belt wouldn't fit around a WWE champs arms.
Agent Tango: What is with you and Agent Ajax's anti-skinnyness remarks? I think you two are envious......

Agent Tango: Oooofah! Someone is sweating somewhere that i don't wanna know about! Yikes!
Agent Ajax: lol. Look closer....somebody's hand is ALL wet....did you say scenes from a club or scenes from a bath house?
Agent Orange: Nothing like a pair of sweaty balls.

Agent Tango: More ho-ish club behavior BUT at least this girl knows how to do it right. Notice the FIVE dollar bill she has. Obviously this chick knows how to properly please a gay dancer.... unlike his queer male lust puppies who insist on busting out the George notes!
Agent Ajax: God bless that girl....and that ass.
Agent Orange: I just don't know what I think about this.... much less what to say.
Agent Tango: This is a blog y'know.....

Agent Tango: Oh no! I think something criminal is going on here!! I suspect they might be doing something "heinous to the anus"! This club is wild. Does it get any worse??
Agent Ajax: At least he's wearing D&G....maybe they're getting out the drugs they smuggled into the club in the booty? All you need is a willing bottom and its like you got another wallet... *shudders*
Agent Tango: Hmmm...a "willing bottom"? Is that code or slang? ;-) ....and by the way, he's not wearing D&G....one of his "gropers" is wearing D&G
Agent Orange: Is that a club or a clip from Tango's movie collection?
Agent Tango: Shhhhhh!!!!

Agent Tango: Good grief!! The same club. OK. I have seen enough. This is the last image of this entry. At first I was wondering what was keeping the money up but upon closer inspection....I see there is either a a thin piece of tape around his waist or a transparent piece of plastic. You can see the full-sized image here. This is the ultimate scene of ho-ishness!! I'm off to go jog!
Agent Ajax: I think it's similar to how hot dogs are stuck clear to the side of the package until you open it... that same phenomenon. Overall thoughts- cute boys, ugly shoes and people need to embrace eating before they die. ^>^
Agent Orange: Again, another example of why you should NEVER put money in your mouth!