Agent Tango: Up, and to the left. Very low cut. This appears to be an improvement. I believe he is the dude from the jockstrap pic from last week.
Agent Ajax: I like the look of the other one. More is being said with his face and body language...super hot. Looks like a mini sharpie or somethin here...
Agent Tango: Sharpie? Nah, I'd go with a ....fat Bic. Yes, it looks like he has a really fat Bic >>Ahem!<<

Agent Tango: OK, I *think* up but my gosh....it's so small. Two of the beads around his neck would make a larger "package". I guess it just goes to show you that a hot bod doesn't always imply "big things down under".
Agent Ajax: Shakira called, she wants her jewelry back.

Agent Tango: LOL. Straight down but c'mon AussieBum. How practical are these trunks? Look at that. The second you run on the beach it's all over. I see a surf board. Do they honestly want us to believe that those will stay on while surfing? LOL Let's have a closer look....
Agent Ajax: Give me a face! Haha

Agent Tango: Yeah, look at that. C'mon now. One might as well wear a Bounty paper towel for surfing...
Agent Ajax: Haha... they really werent joking were they? The side of a textured garbage bag.
Agent Tango: "Garbage bag"? Let's not be too harsh. How about: "jewel pouch"?

Agent Tango: Hmm...straight down. Her again is another case of "micro phallus". Sad...sad..sad.... Although I better keep quiet. WIth that bod he could probably kick my ass.... NOT! lol
Agent Ajax: How much of the situation do you think is caused by stage fright? Hmm...
Agent Tango: I'm not sure...that look he has isn't quite "deer in the headlights"....it's more like "queer in the headlights"

Agent Tango: Straight down but this guy knows how to relax. I can tell he likes to "catch a breeze". Notice the gap. Tickle...tickle!.......
Agent Ajax: I could use a nap...pillow provided already...
Agent Tango: Fluff that pillow before you go...errr..."lay" down.

Agent Tango: Impressive physique! Not so impressive straight-downer. S'ok. It could be worse.
Agent Ajax: You're a stickler for perfection...he's gorgeous, but his stomach muscles are ridiculous.

Agent Tango: Down and to the right....but c'mon! This is as bad as the A-Bum pix from above. Are we honestly to believe that he jumps rope wearing that?!? No way. Now in *theory* if that thing is fitting super-super-tight I *guess* he could get away with it but that would be *highly* uncomfortable!
Agent Ajax: Of course he doesn't do anything besides stand around in that damn thing... Haha

Agent Tango: Whoa!! This is the rare "something-exploded-in-my-undies" pic. We have seen this before. Up and to the right.....I just wonder what happened....was there a hand-job grenade in those undies?
Agent Ajax: There would have to be some shrapnel in those hips for it to be a grenade job...Me thinks this is the handywork of a mortar. It *IS* shaped like a mouth...

Agent Tango: Hmmm....I can't tell which way he's hangin'. We need some viewer feedback on this one. Seeing how low that bulge is, i'd have to say straight down but i dunno.
Agent Ajax: I don't care what way he is hanging *.*
Agent Tango: >>Ahem!<<

Agent Tango: Artsy. Down and to the left.
Agent Ajax: Be careful, don't sneeze and rip half the stitches in the gear!

Thanks for the link Close Conundrums!
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