Ahhh!! Our 1-Year anniversary!! Who knew it would last this long!? I think we’ve done well but there is still room for improvement. 26,000 hits is a drop in the bucket. We should be getting that in one day. Hmmm….. I/we will work on it.
In the meantime, to celebrate here is a megapost. Choc-full-O’-eye candy and comments. Plus a mini post representing our “regular” sections (“Cover Up Da Booty”, “Battle of the Bulge”, “Scenes From A Club”, “Eye Candy”, “Morning Workout”, etc.). Also, a new agent joins us: Agent Sagittarius. Enjoy!!
Eye Candy

Agent Tango: Hmph!...A model “mug shot”. I guess he passes (feet are a bit gnarly though)…
Agent Sagittarius: Are these preliminary pictures of the newest SIM character?
Agent Ajax: How can u even see that, Tango? lol...perfectionist...

Agent Tango: Looks as though he is waiting/looking for something. I’ve never quite understood the “strings out” thing….
Agent Ajax: He's adorable....strings always out...well, maybe not on undies, but always on cargo shorts/pants.

Agent Tango: A cheesy grin. Nice abs though.
Agent Sagittarius: He's got a bigger chest that my mom. I can't tell, is the pulling them up or bringing them down? Buttons closed? I'm all kinds of confused.
Agent Ajax: All I can think about is laundry; that and chocolate...... weird.
Agent Tango: I'm not Sigmund Freud but I believe you are thinking about "washboard" abs....and his chocolately "oh-my goodness"....

Agent Tango: A cheesier grin on this guy….and even better abs. What exercises do these dudes do I wonder…
Agent Ajax: My friend Margie said once, "...you have to suck c*ck to get that sort of muscle definition" ....fitting that you found this with a porn site label on it!
Agent Tango: Hey, wait a minute!!! My muscle definition is just as good as this guys.... What are you saying?! WHAT ARE YOU SUGGESTING?!? {Dammit, I need a Kleenex for my chin >>ahem!<<}

Agent Tango: Blah…generic eye candy…..
Agent Sagittarius: Should I wear my hair up or down tonight? I hate making this decision every day.
Agent Ajax: Generic!?!?! He looks a bit more real than most dudes you run on here, ringleader ;)

Agent Tango: What is he sitting on? Is that an ancient car seat?
Agent Sagittarius: I don't know what happened. I just turned the key to the igntion. The next thing I remember is waking up in this car seat naked.
Agent Tango: Ahhh...so now we know what happens late at night when Batman cruises around the red-light district in his Batmobile.
Agent Ajax: This looks like the beginning of a very awkward yoga pose...but a random note, I like the way his foot is positioned. hahaha

Agent Tango: In a way this guy reminds me of the “El Pollo Loco Guy”. What do u think?
Agent Ajax: I think you are strangely right AND you have waaay too much time on your hands...

Agent Tango: Look at that “canyon” in his abs. Hmm… what exercise causes THAT?
Agent Sagittarius: My guess: it hides a plastic surgery scar. Those can't be real.
Agent Tango: Look a "fix pack" {inside joke}
Agent Ajax: Forget his ab canyon, look at the serial killer look on his face...
In the meantime, to celebrate here is a megapost. Choc-full-O’-eye candy and comments. Plus a mini post representing our “regular” sections (“Cover Up Da Booty”, “Battle of the Bulge”, “Scenes From A Club”, “Eye Candy”, “Morning Workout”, etc.). Also, a new agent joins us: Agent Sagittarius. Enjoy!!
Eye Candy

Agent Tango: Hmph!...A model “mug shot”. I guess he passes (feet are a bit gnarly though)…
Agent Sagittarius: Are these preliminary pictures of the newest SIM character?
Agent Ajax: How can u even see that, Tango? lol...perfectionist...

Agent Tango: Looks as though he is waiting/looking for something. I’ve never quite understood the “strings out” thing….
Agent Ajax: He's adorable....strings always out...well, maybe not on undies, but always on cargo shorts/pants.

Agent Tango: A cheesy grin. Nice abs though.
Agent Sagittarius: He's got a bigger chest that my mom. I can't tell, is the pulling them up or bringing them down? Buttons closed? I'm all kinds of confused.
Agent Ajax: All I can think about is laundry; that and chocolate...... weird.
Agent Tango: I'm not Sigmund Freud but I believe you are thinking about "washboard" abs....and his chocolately "oh-my goodness"....

Agent Tango: A cheesier grin on this guy….and even better abs. What exercises do these dudes do I wonder…
Agent Ajax: My friend Margie said once, "...you have to suck c*ck to get that sort of muscle definition" ....fitting that you found this with a porn site label on it!
Agent Tango: Hey, wait a minute!!! My muscle definition is just as good as this guys.... What are you saying?! WHAT ARE YOU SUGGESTING?!? {Dammit, I need a Kleenex for my chin >>ahem!<<}

Agent Tango: Blah…generic eye candy…..
Agent Sagittarius: Should I wear my hair up or down tonight? I hate making this decision every day.
Agent Ajax: Generic!?!?! He looks a bit more real than most dudes you run on here, ringleader ;)

Agent Tango: What is he sitting on? Is that an ancient car seat?
Agent Sagittarius: I don't know what happened. I just turned the key to the igntion. The next thing I remember is waking up in this car seat naked.
Agent Tango: Ahhh...so now we know what happens late at night when Batman cruises around the red-light district in his Batmobile.
Agent Ajax: This looks like the beginning of a very awkward yoga pose...but a random note, I like the way his foot is positioned. hahaha

Agent Tango: In a way this guy reminds me of the “El Pollo Loco Guy”. What do u think?
Agent Ajax: I think you are strangely right AND you have waaay too much time on your hands...

Agent Tango: Look at that “canyon” in his abs. Hmm… what exercise causes THAT?
Agent Sagittarius: My guess: it hides a plastic surgery scar. Those can't be real.
Agent Tango: Look a "fix pack" {inside joke}
Agent Ajax: Forget his ab canyon, look at the serial killer look on his face...

Agent Tango: …and another “ab canyon”…..
Agent Sagittarius: This doctor did them better. More believeable
Agent Tango: You just want to do JELL-O shots out of that canyon...
Agent Ajax: I bet all he eats is chicken breast and coke. lines of coke. Hahaha
Agent Tango: {Imagines some fiend doing a line out of his ab canyon....decadent!}

Agent Tango: The cliché “I’m-leaning-back-against-a-post-shirtless” pose….blah…
Agent Ajax: Nothing satisfies you, "mein herr"....if you don't like it, give us a pic with your best pose....no knee pads this time ; )

Agent Tango: Here we see it again!
Agent Ajax: Would it be better if it was sacreligious.... Jesus-style? lol Help him with his sins..
Agent Tango: NO. I'm just saying that the pose is too cliche.

Agent Tango: I guess this is the “dirty-sexy” look…
Agent Sagittarius: Black socks with white underwear. Major fashion faux pas. Is this his mug shot in the fashion police lockup?
Agent Tango: Good eye! I never noticed that....
Agent Ajax: I never once saw the socks....just the severe gorgeousness...damn....*excuses himself*
Agent Tango: Hey! Wipe that up! Messy agent......

Agent Tango: Hmmm…so this guy is a stripper?? (looking at the pic logo in the bottom corner). Amazing....Hey!! Agent Ajax! Put that money away! (and you're holding dollar bills!.....cheap-ass...)
Agent Sagittarius: His reputation's following him. Look at the deer in headlights. Any coincidence that he wet himself?
Agent Tango: A stain of "happiness"?
Agent Ajax: That blue....whatever the hell it is...it is horribly atrocious...

Agent Tango: It's all about the hair......I'll call it: Dragon Bangs!
Agent Ajax: Asian Sephiroth....
Eye Candy (Series 3)
Eye Candy (Series 2)
Eye Candy (Series 1)
Misc. comments....

Agent Tango: I think a bird is giving his opinion of the President’s current Iraq/Middle East policy…….
Agent Sagittarius: "Is my lapel pin talking to me again?"
Agent Ajax: Perfect! Bush sh%ts on the environment, the environment sh%ts on Bush.

Agent Tango: I’m afraid to make a post about Brittney…I might go to my car one morning and have this happen! {I'm serious! ...I just won't say anything about her!}
Agent Sagittarius: That makes two of us
Agent Ajax: Pop will eat itself.

Agent Tango: I soooo don’t wanna be X-Ray’d / Magnet-O-Sketched / whatever … to this level of detail. Imagine what the screener would see!! All of my…”private business”!!
Agent Sagittarius: Like you need a fancy machine to see your "private business." Last time I checked we get this up close and personal after a few drinks.
Agent Tango: Is that an Uzi in your pocket or are you happy to see me?
Agent Ajax: Is this just a test shot or was some dude found this loaded? He's got nice calves, whatever the case. Haha

Agent Tango: Hmmm... Screw the iPod, where do I sign up for this?!
Agent Sagittarius: Is this a gifcard? I know a few that can use this.
Agent Ajax: I'll get you the silver bullet edition, Tango. :D

Agent Tango: Speaking of all things "i"..... I've seen the pictures and read about the features of the new iPhone. I can think of 5 reasons why it may not be too popular:
1. People like their flip-phones! The iPhone is flat and mono-lithic!
2. After speaking, pecking, watching movies, etc... I bet trying to keep that screen clean will be a bit%h!
3. I haven't heard if it will support voice commands like some current phones do.....This will be a limitation....
4. People like physical "keys". Number keys and/or a small sliding keyboard (think Blackberry). The appeal of relatively small touchscreens is limited. Also, if for whatever reason your screen messes up then you are screwed....no phone!
5. It's kinda big.
Agent Ajax: You forget it's an Apple product. They could sh%t on a stick and encase it in smooth white plastic and it would sell like pure Columbian out front of Paris' house.

Agent Tango: I hope he has a shirt and undies in his backpack. I think this is from the Phillipines….Grife! I see a Starbucks in the background…..
Agent Ajax: He's cute...
The battle of the bulge

Agent Tango: Up and to the left…..baby-boyish face….
Agent Ajax: Baby boy's got some thick thighs...represent, boo!
The Battle of the Bulge! (Act 6)
The Battle of the Bulge! (Act 5)
The Battle of the Bulge! (Act 4)
The Battle of the Bulge! (Act 3)
The Battle of the Bulge! (Act 2)
The Battle of the Bulge! (Act 1)
Scenes from a club

Agent Tango: I see a towel but no sweat…I see an arm sweatband but no sweat! …. I see a head sweatband but no sweat!! Work it harder! Harder!! LOL
Agent Sagittarius: I don't think that's a towel. And is that a baby bottle next to his feet?
Agent Tango: That's a towel. It's twisted and he's holding it both hands behind him.....
Agent Ajax: Lovin the baseball socks, he needs a small terrycloth baby blue fit...little shorts and a half jacket...Hahaha

Agent Tango: Limber indeed…. I’m betting he left the club with more guys than her……
Agent Sagittarius: Where's her other hand?
Agent Tango: I don't wanna know.....
Agent Ajax: Where's her other hand? It looks like it got lost somewhere...I'm lookin at you, heel stretch...

Agent Tango: Oh c’mon. Pull those workout pants up. You know you only pulled them down for the camera…
Agent Sagittarius: You can't say that Tango. This type of stuff cannot be just for the camera. It happens every day. Don't wreck my daydreams.
Agent Ajax: I thought that was how everyone walked around....my life is a sham...
Agent Sagittarius: You can't say that Tango. This type of stuff cannot be just for the camera. It happens every day. Don't wreck my daydreams.
Agent Ajax: I thought that was how everyone walked around....my life is a sham...

Agent Tango: OK. Maybe the reason why they are down is because after he finishes with his face he will shave something else?
Agent Ajax: Rotund!!! smack it.
Agent Tango: It will jiggle.

Agent Tango: Hmmmm….What is he doing/working on??
Agent Sagittarius: Are those wings? Heaven, must be missing an angel.
Agent Tango: Change your name to "Agent Cheesy". That line can't possibly work at a club, bar, or street corner....
Agent Ajax: He needs a sandwich... i can see his pecs through his back and his pants are damn near falling off his a$$
Agent Tango: Does he need a sandwhich or a ...Po' Boy? >>ahem!<<

Agent Tango: See? This is what Agent Ajax has to endure every Monday following his weekend of partying….
Agent Sagittarius: So how many of these do I get if I refer someone?
Agent Tango: Keep your referrals.
Agent Ajax: What the hell is that supposed to mean? I thought you were finally giving us a self-portrait of you getting steroids shot up your buttcheek. : ) All joking aside, that man is cute but i don't understand why we are getting a view of ass shots...lol
Cover up da booty! (part 7)........
Cover up da booty! (part 6)........
Cover up da booty! (part 5)........
Cover up da booty! (part 4)........
Cover up da booty! (part 3)........
Cover up da booty! (part 2)........
Cover up da booty! (part 1)........
Morning Workout

Pre-workout stretch #1 ....

Pre-workout stretch #2! Work it freak boy!!
Morning Workout (Lesson 3)
Morning Workout (Lesson 2)
Morning Workout (Lesson 1)
Muscle Control

Chair is not needed #1 ....

Chair is not needed #2 !!
Muscle Control (Part 3)....
Muscle Control (Part 2)....
Muscle Control (Part 1)....

Agent Tango: See? This is what Agent Ajax has to endure every Monday following his weekend of partying….
Agent Sagittarius: So how many of these do I get if I refer someone?
Agent Tango: Keep your referrals.
Agent Ajax: What the hell is that supposed to mean? I thought you were finally giving us a self-portrait of you getting steroids shot up your buttcheek. : ) All joking aside, that man is cute but i don't understand why we are getting a view of ass shots...lol
Cover up da booty! (part 7)........
Cover up da booty! (part 6)........
Cover up da booty! (part 5)........
Cover up da booty! (part 4)........
Cover up da booty! (part 3)........
Cover up da booty! (part 2)........
Cover up da booty! (part 1)........
Morning Workout

Pre-workout stretch #1 ....

Pre-workout stretch #2! Work it freak boy!!
Morning Workout (Lesson 3)
Morning Workout (Lesson 2)
Morning Workout (Lesson 1)
Muscle Control

Chair is not needed #1 ....

Chair is not needed #2 !!
Muscle Control (Part 3)....
Muscle Control (Part 2)....
Muscle Control (Part 1)....